Boxing is one of those sports that have become a true international favourite, both among fans and sports bettors alike. It’s a fast-paced and often violent sport that pits two top athletes against one another in a battle for the ultimate win.

The Big World of Sports Betting
Boxing is one of those sports that have become a true international favourite, both among fans and sports bettors alike. It’s a fast-paced and often violent sport that pits two top athletes against one another in a battle for the ultimate win.
Boxing is a popular choice when it comes to sports betting. The mixture of fast-paced action and extreme skill in the ring means that boxing is one of those few sports in the world that can really get a person’s adrenaline pumping.
There are so many different wagers when it comes to boxing that it can be a little bit confusing! Most new sports bettors are only aware of the fact that you can bet on who wins the fight, but, in actuality, there is a range of options open to you. This not only makes staking […]
Boxing is a sport that is watched and enjoyed by millions of people around the world, but many of them don’t understand how the weight class divisions work. This is important, especially for those that want to delve into the world of boxing sports betting, as the weight classes not only determine which boxers will […]
Mixed Martial Arts, or MMA, and Boxing are two different sports, but, when it comes to betting on them, there are some remarkable similarities. If you learn the details of betting on one, you’ll be able to hold your own when you stake on the other. Proper Definitions for Both Sports Boxing revolves around punching, […]
Commonly known as a prop bet these types of bets are considered some of the most exciting and entertaining when it comes to sports betting. Not only are they fun and entertaining, but they can also be very profitable. When it comes to boxing prop bets include wagers whether something will or will not happen […]
While the days of Mike Tyson facing Evander Holyfield at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas are long gone, there are still plenty of fantastic opportunities for betting on boxing matches. Today, fighters such as Anthony Joshua and Manny Pacquiao make for thrilling viewing and who could forget the recent face-off between Floyd […]